
We sail every 10 minutes from under the oldest bridge in Prague, the Charles Bridge.

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With the captains, you will reach the heart of the Čertovka Canal, where you will pass the majestic wheel of the Velkopřevorský Mill. Patent Vodouch boats ply their route all year round. In the summer months, we offer ice cream, beer or lemonade to refresh you

In the winter you can warm up with ships stove and mulled wine.

Boats leave every 10 to 15 minutes during operating hours.

Old Town Bridge Tower

Prague Venice will give you a glimpse of our capital city from a different perspective. The natural spectacle of Petrin Hill, bursting with colour, will immediately captivate you, as will the view of Prague Castle and Hradčany.

We sail from the dock under the Charles Bridge

Prague Venice will give you a glimpse of our capital city from a different perspective. The natural spectacle of Petrin Hill, bursting with colour, will immediately captivate you, as will the view of Prague Castle and Hradčany.

Buy a ticket

When you can visit us

January - April
every day 10:00 - 18:00
May - June
every day 10:00 - 19:00
July - August
every day 10:00 - 20:00
every day 10:00 - 19:00
October - December
every day 10:00 - 18:00

Last sailing departs:
October-April at 17:00
May-June, September at 18:00
July, August at 19:00

Krátká loď